Survival Guide

Our BWA Survival Guide:

Tips and Tricks to get the most out of your child’s time at BWA

Your child has recently or will soon join Belleville Wix Academy? Here is a small guide to help you settle in and find the information you need.

Class WhatsApp

Main point of contact

As a parent of a new pupil, you’ll be delighted to know that each class has its one or two dedicated PTA class representatives. These friendly folks maintain a WhatsApp group where parents can connect, share PTA messages, celebrate birthdays, and stay informed about school events. 

Since the group usually contains some parents who know the school well through older siblings, this is the best place to ask or confirm information about clubs, PE days or certain events.

If you’re eager to join your child’s class WhatsApp group, simply reach out to any other parent. They’ll gladly add you to the group. For our reception and nursery classes, we’ll be collecting phone numbers during the July parent welcome evenings to create a new group.

Remember that at all times the school’s guidelines apply to these parent groups. Read more about that here:

Morning and Afterschool Clubs

7.30am – 6.00pm

School clubs ensure a smooth transition to/from extracurricular activities and the classroom, with club staff picking up or dropping off your child directly from their classroom.

Morning clubs generally start at 8.00 am with a pick-up by staff directly at the gate and afternoon clubs generally operate from 3:30 pm to either 4:30 pm or 5:00 pm. Youngstars offers childcare until 6.00 pm.

Afterschool club providers are plenty, but club lists can be found at these locations:

  1. BWA Clubs: Listed on the school’s official website, these clubs are managed by either school staff or partnered external organizations (such as Premier Chess Coaching, The Jam for dance, Playball, Youngstars for multisport or tennis, Wandsworth Music,…). Some are free, some require payment through and some require payment/registration directly with the corresponding external organization.
    Registration is done on a termly basis.
  2. Kidoloisirs: Originally established for École de Wix pupils, Kidoloisirs now welcomes BWA students. Offering a variety of afterschool clubs (Judo, Arts and crafts, Cooking, Science,…), they operate from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM. All staff are bilingual, speaking both English and French.
    Registration is done on a termly basis.
  3. BWA Breakfast Club: Bookable directly on ‘school gateway’ (, Parents and carers must take their child to the canteen and present them to a member of staff in the breakfast club for registration. Start time 7.30 am – Last entry at 8.00 am Breakfast is offered to all children attending the club.
    Registration is done on a day-by-day basis.
  4. Youngstars: In addition to providing some of the afternoon clubs listed above, Youngstars is the only provider enabling after-school care until 6.00 pm. However, children can be picked up at any time by ringing the Youngstars doorbell in front of the school.
    Registration is done on a day-by-day basis.

Registration and Scheduling:

Each provider has its own registration and payment methods.

Clubs & Kidoloisirs generally must be registered for the entire term.

Notably, the registration dates for each provider vary, so it is crucial to note these dates and register early to ensure a spot, as some clubs are highly sought after.

  • BWA Termy Clubs typically open registration about a month before the term starts.
  • Kidoloisirs registration usually opens two weeks before the term starts.

For detailed information and to register, please refer to the school’s website or contact the providers directly.

Lost and found

Use name labels and check regularly!

Jumpers, jackets, scarves, gloves, school bags, helmets, water bottles, lunch boxes,…

Everything gets deposited in the outdoor lost and found boxes opposite the school reception door.

Please label all your children’s clothing and verify the boxes every time something is missing. Boxes are cleared but the PTA/APL three times a year to avoid them overflowing and clothing getting damaged.

For name labels, please consider using as they are cost-effective and the PTA gets a commission – Don’t forget to use code 25663

Second-hand uniform sales

two/three times a year

Two or Three times a year, the PTA and their Ecole de Wix counterpart, the APL, will organize a second-hand uniform sale.

For this, we request for (washed) uniform donations before the sale. After sending out notices to all parents, we will also clear out the lost and found and wash and sort any uniforms with missing/unreadable labels to be added to the sale.

Dates of the uniform sales are communicated separately by email, WhatsApp and on this website’s event page.