Safeguarding Policy


The Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all children, parents, and staff members within our community. This safeguarding policy outlines our approach to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.


Our PTA aims to:

  1. Create a safe and supportive environment for all members.
  2. Raise awareness about safeguarding issues.
  3. Provide guidance on recognizing signs of abuse or neglect.
  4. Collaborate with relevant authorities to address concerns promptly.

Key Principles

  1. Child-Centered Approach: The welfare of the child is our primary concern. We will always act in their best interests.
  2. Prevention and Awareness: We will promote awareness of safeguarding issues and provide training to our members.
  3. Reporting and Responding: Any concerns about a child’s safety or well-being will be reported promptly to the designated safeguarding officer (DSO).
  4. Confidentiality: Information related to safeguarding will be treated confidentially and shared only with relevant parties.

Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO):
    • The DSO is responsible for overseeing safeguarding within the PTA.
    • They will receive and manage any safeguarding concerns.
    • The DSO will liaise with external agencies as needed.
  2. Committee Members and Volunteers:
    • All committee members and volunteers have a duty to report any safeguarding concerns to the DSO.
    • They should be aware of signs of abuse or neglect and take appropriate action.
  3. Parents and Carers:
    • Parents and carers are encouraged to raise any concerns they may have.
    • They should familiarize themselves with the PTA’s safeguarding policy.

Safeguarding Measures During Events

  1. DBS Checked Members:
    • DBS checks help identify any criminal history or other relevant information that might impact a person’s suitability to work with children.
    • Anyone directly involved in organizing or supervising events (e.g., event coordinators, volunteers, chaperones) should undergo a DBS check.
    • Adults who are not DBS checked may not be left alone with children. This includes performers or suppliers at fairs.
    • It is recommended the PTA communicates that parents are responsible for their children at PTA events.
  2. First Aid Trained Members:
    • Having first aid trained members at events ensures that there is someone capable of providing immediate assistance in case of accidents, injuries, or medical emergencies.
    • PTA events should designate specific members as first aid responders during events.
    • Ensure that they have up-to-date training and certifications.


  1. Reporting Concerns:
    • Any member who has concerns about a child’s safety or breach of this policy should report them to the PTA’s DSO (link) or the school’s DSO (link).
    • The DSO will follow the appropriate procedures, including contacting relevant authorities if necessary.
    • If there is a suspicion the child in question is a student of the school, then the school shall be informed by following the BWA Safeguarding procedures detailed in the school’s policy
  2. Record Keeping:
    • The PTA will maintain accurate records of safeguarding concerns and actions taken.
    • These records will be kept confidentially.
  3. Collaboration:
    • The PTA will work closely with schools, local authorities, and other relevant organizations to ensure effective safeguarding.
    • If there is a suspicion the concern is related to the school, then the school shall be informed by following the BWA Safeguarding procedures detailed in the school’s policy


This policy will be reviewed annually, preferably leading up to the AGM, to ensure it remains up-to-date and effective.

Changes to this policy can be requested at

This policy was last updated in May 2024.