

Discover How You Can Make a Difference Through Volunteering and Donations


Volunteers are the heart of the BWA PTA.  All BWA parents and carers are warmly invited to join-in either as a one-off, occasionally or on a regular basis.  

To join the BWA PTA Volunteering WhatsApp group click here

Donate In-Kind

We rely on your help with in-kind donations of yummy treats, raffle prizes, and pre-loved uniforms to make our Bake Sales, Winter Fairs, and Pre-Loved Uniform Sales a success.  All amateur and master bakers and donations are most welcome. 

Contact us if you have questions or have an in-kind donation to make. 

Online Shopping

BWA PTA has partnered with easyfundraising, the UK’s largest portal for turning online shopping transactions into charity donations.  easyfundraising links to some 8,100 shops and sites across all categories from travel to groceries and everything in between, including big name retailers like Amazon, ebay, M&S, John Lewis/Waitrose, Tesco, Sainsburys, Asda and Argos to name just a few. 

If you do any online shopping at all you can generate donations for BWA PTA at no extra cost to you.  Just click though easyfundraising to your online retailer of choice. 

Click here for more information about how to use Easyfundraising and/or to sign-up.

Personal Donations

BWA PTA is Gift Aid registered.  This allows us to maximise the value to BWA PTA by claiming at no extra cost to you an extra 25p for every £1 that you donate. 

You can contribute in two ways:

  • donate by card in our online store here
  • make a bank transfer donation
    Belleville Wix Academy PTA – Sort code: 50-21-01 – Account:22388133

While online card transactions are easier for smaller donations, bank transfers are preferred for amounts above £50-£100 in order to minimize fees.

Important: Make sure to click here to Gift Aid boost your donation by 25% for free.

Company Matching

Many UK employers will match the value of your donation to BWA PTA. Please ask your employer if they operate a matched funding scheme.   

Contact us if you have questions or need help with company matching. 

Lost and Found

Stikins Clothes Labels

Our lost and found bins regularly overflow with misplaced items. 🧺 If your child has lost something, swing by the school to check if their belongings are in the lost and found.

🏷️ Nametags Matter! If you’re not using nametags, consider ordering STIKINS name labels using our code 25663. Not only will your child’s belongings be easily identifiable, but you’ll also be supporting the PTA fund with a 30% commission. Prices start at just £7.80, all included!’t forget to use code 25663